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Top-lists -> Users - 2019
Top List: Users - 2019

Rank Player Score
1 [AS] DDtective 10 680 256
2 LonerD 10 517 780
3 [pAG] AFAK 9 180 516
4 muzzleF 8 537 507
5 DaLe 7 566 335
6 marklar 7 039 326
7 Jeremy 6 885 168
8 TheChieftain 6 861 562
9 [AS] NEXGENEEZY 6 772 457
10 OOO 6 434 206
11 OvErMiNd 6 433 523
12 JeLomun 6 427 432
13 Gajusz 6 405 301
14 anonymous 6 231 962
15 Cerroni 5 968 330
16 [Pals] Sellyme 5 830 003
17 [STRAN] The Stranger 5 695 095
18 Taluss 5 644 901
19 [AS] Vnednek 5 617 777
20 [pAG] Suitcase 5 521 433
21 [pAG] TheShazbot 5 512 543
22 Rubytic 5 340 278
23 .removedUser. 5 327 183
24 VoidableRabbit 5 247 057
25 NovaScotiaSean 5 202 242
26 Katrina 5 200 409
27 Sterbehilfe e.V. 5 199 618
28 Dreki 5 137 759
29 [pAG] Skaery 5 137 281
30 tomgreep 5 000 597
31 .removedUser. 4 997 717
32 TheRojBlake 4 948 482
33 チェリーパイ CherryPie 4 931 818
34 Red Viper 4 847 008
35 anonymous 4 756 725
36 anonymous 4 754 581
37 [pAG] Viper 4 644 114
38 [AS] Parzival 4 633 146
39 Bilko 4 618 953
40 anonymous 4 556 169
41 [pAG] Radiotelegrafist 4 553 143
42 anonymous 4 482 851
43 [HispA] Macnex 4 395 142
44 anonymous 4 360 288
45 anonymous 4 272 553
46 anonymous 4 255 511
47 anonymous 4 201 399
48 alphabet 4 140 388
49 [pAG] Cos 4 139 847
50 anonymous 4 094 120

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