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Top-lists -> Crews - 2025
Most Score: Crews - 2025

Crews go by many names. Groups, Guilds, Clans, Squads, Teams etc. On MetaGamerScore we call them Crews. The Balanced Score is a Score with diminishing returns from adding more people. Everyones score counts, but top scorers are worth more.

Join now and help your crew dominate the top list!
Rank Crew Balanced
1 [Pals] 100Pals 14 903 978 +1865692
2 [AS] Achievement Scouts 14 222 391 +1919236
3 [pAG] 100% Achievements Group 13 370 149 +1380118
4 [AUS] Australia 5 406 846 +389501
5 [TGC] The Games Collectors 5 010 835 +1143527
6 [HispA] HispAchievers 4 945 403 +290963
7 [AH] Achievement Hunters 4 920 788 +635997
8 [DMS] Dead Multiplayer Society 4 759 517 +367110
9 [GLR] Gunner's Living Room 4 662 134 +780497
10 [R.A] Retro 4 416 900 +541130
11 [.MGS.] MetaGamerScore Creators Crew 4 287 981 +467521
12 [GER] Germany 3 869 484 +242572
13 [GT] Garenteed 3 746 609 +175664
14 [osu!] osu! 3 708 769 +206450
15 [MLP] Brony Gamers 3 663 733 +528457
16 [SGAH] Steam Gifts Achievement Hunters 3 275 940 +1160464
17 [Arcsh] ArcadeShoppe 2 858 963 +211260
18 [C7K] Club 7000 2 332 025 +645862
19 [/r/] reddit 2 015 363 +179234
20 [TSH] The Safe House 1 989 632 +103373
21 [TGN] True Gaming Network 1 586 838 +280102
22 [ATOM] The Atomic Alliance 1 528 911 +390456
23 [JRPG] JRPG LOVERS 1 446 554 +212345
24 [RCN] Raccoon 1 410 987 +446123
25 [NYX] NYX 1 263 004 +49940
26 [TWDE] Twitch Deutschland 1 256 067 +80098
27 [LUE] LUELinks 1 159 413 +78860
28 [B8] Board 8 1 084 722 +97850
29 [BR] BRASIL 1 061 895 +101989
30 [BRCM] Brasileiros Conquistadores de Mundo 1 036 288 +147302
31 [SC] Small Chat 943 927 +44025
32 [era] steamera 931 209 +16384
33 [STRAN] The Stranger 920 529 +50009
34 [UKG] UK Gamers 893 072 +93216
35 [NEKOS] NEKOS! 890 503 +41438
36 [BoR] Badgers of Robloxia 868 068 +13429
37 [SA] Stealth Achievers 819 618 +56632
38 [UA] Ukrainian Gamers 795 259 +46931
39 [shin] Shin-Ra corp. 794 462 +48477
40 [AceM] AceMastery 754 415 +589
41 [CE] Cazalogros EspaƱoles 737 221 +89852
42 [CAN] Canuck 699 292 +30634
43 [PXS] PhoenX Society 683 250 +31162
44 [777] Dragon's Claw 681 575 +125358
45 [ACH] Achievements 679 220 +94441
46 [Play] 656 149 +131647
47 [cybr] Netrunner 579 283 +73927
48 [FTK] Extra Life 562 809 +76011
49 [HUNT] The Hunters 560 905 +80216
50 [Otaku] Otaku Club 547 982 +42221

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