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Top-lists -> Crews - Completist (100% completed games only)
Most Score: Crews - Completist (100% completed games only)

Crews go by many names. Groups, Guilds, Clans, Squads, Teams etc. On MetaGamerScore we call them Crews. The Balanced Score is a Score with diminishing returns from adding more people. Everyones score counts, but top scorers are worth more.

Join now and help your crew dominate the top list!
Rank Crew Balanced
1 [AS] Achievement Scouts 564 971 983 +2478280
2 [pAG] 100% Achievements Group 501 256 585 +1304821
3 [Pals] 100Pals 419 140 014 +279266
4 [HispA] HispAchievers 405 021 492 +148859
5 [GLR] Gunner's Living Room 304 681 138 +2625835
6 [AH] Achievement Hunters 206 068 869 +204408
7 [DMS] Dead Multiplayer Society 178 864 568 -1605852
8 [TSH] The Safe House 173 115 917 -16467
9 [TGC] The Games Collectors 163 431 777 +967622
10 [R.A] Retro 147 958 669 +231761
11 [AUS] Australia 137 255 761 +312633
12 [SGAH] Steam Gifts Achievement Hunters 107 864 225 +421905
13 [LUE] LUELinks 100 081 644 +11494
14 [GER] Germany 99 850 730 +160130
15 [TGN] True Gaming Network 86 726 597 +3124530
16 [BoR] Badgers of Robloxia 80 093 643 +20685
17 [GAF] Achieve Trophies Group 73 551 991 +17779
18 [T H L] The Hidden Levels 66 490 944 +31626
19 [RCN] Raccoon 63 056 822 +1265621
20 [JRPG] JRPG LOVERS 61 838 447 +44016
21 [AceM] AceMastery 61 763 863 +243838
22 [STRAN] The Stranger 61 077 997 +83874
23 [C7K] Club 7000 59 275 186 +1577069
24 [UKG] UK Gamers 58 970 582 +36203
25 [NEKOS] NEKOS! 58 404 760 +44217
26 [B8] Board 8 57 926 495 +121026
27 [era] steamera 56 459 642 -23974
28 [NYX] NYX 56 017 061 -7653
29 [3D] 3D Gaming 54 879 858 +16115
30 [HUNT] The Hunters 51 955 002 +245725
31 [UA] Ukrainian Gamers 51 632 108 +125512
32 [PXS] PhoenX Society 51 229 810 +54984
33 [RemGC] Removed Games Collectors 49 316 309 -28538
34 [/r/] reddit 48 347 401 +25508
35 [MLP] Brony Gamers 46 998 730 +218019
36 [ATOM] The Atomic Alliance 45 608 232 +171586
37 [LLJK] Something Awful 40 538 809 +33002
38 [502] Team Banana 35 443 650 +7426
39 [THC] Trophy Hunter Community 34 119 208 +31237
40 [Play] 33 733 464 +29705
41 [.MGS.] MetaGamerScore Creators Crew 33 448 689 +1817717
42 [UWG] UWGamers 33 380 718 +29343
43 [Otaku] Otaku Club 32 867 738 +48110
44 [SCTHD] Super Crew Turbo HD 31 826 156 +22490
45 [Kota] Amelia's suspicious basement 31 069 279 +3603378
46 [Alone] All Alone 31 025 573 +41635
47 [Nose] Epic Nosegasm 30 908 546 +16171
48 [ELB] EmptyLifeBar 30 852 585 +563
49 [PTW] PS3TROPHYWHORES 30 787 014 +44484
50 [FTK] Extra Life 30 409 716 +65109

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